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help pricing this cow mangler please!


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Collecters mangler looks to be in the range of 130-200 keys, with pro ks kits at 3-6 keys. You've also got all applicable spells and a great ks effect and color. The applied strangifier is so common that I'd consider it negligible in value.

If you want to be aggressive, you could easily price this at 300 or more given the rarity of a collectors item with double spells and a great pro ks kit. Based on the market data of the base item and killstreaker I would tell you not to list it for lower than 200.

I would do some research on other items that are collectors, pro ks, and double spelled.

In any case, you have a great item and I wish you all the best in selling this.

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47 minutes ago, Api said:

Pumpkin bombs is as useless as pumpkin bombs is on gunslinger.


who would add for some small blue text? 😕



i was young and dumb

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56 minutes ago, Api said:

Pumpkin bombs is as useless as pumpkin bombs is on gunslinger.


who would add for some small blue text? 😕

the same people who would add for some big red text.


collectors quality is useless. dont @ me.

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3 hours ago, TheTexanTiger said:

Collecters mangler looks to be in the range of 130-200 keys, with pro ks kits at 3-6 keys


3 hours ago, TheTexanTiger said:

The applied strangifier is so common that I'd consider it negligible in value

Buyers on Strange Collectors at ~160



3 hours ago, TheTexanTiger said:

In any case, you have a great item and I wish you all the best in selling this

He doesn't have it

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3 hours ago, Api said:

Pumpkin bombs is as useless as pumpkin bombs is on gunslinger.


who would add for some small blue text? 😕

we get it you shark them for half a scrap each

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