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What do you think is gonna happen to batsaber prices in the near and far future


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Will they be forever stable at 80+ range they are at right now? or will they face a sharp decline in prices after leading buy orders from bots drop?  Do you think this is market manipulation and it should be punished? would love to hear perspective of more experienced people who have been in this economy for greater time than me , also does the fact that you can obtain batsabers from tradeups change anything or its just that some people have stocked up on those Confidential Collection Case and are trying to bump prices of every elite grade item it has

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Meh they'll prob go up more until it becomes more liquid/more people sell theirs for profit then flatline, as bots will keep their prices I'm sure. More or less it'll stabilize as more sell for profit and I doubt they'll crash or anything like that. Hell maybe rise even more who knows.

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The truth is who in the right mind would spend $150+ on a melee weapon for a class that already has a powerful close-range shotgun. Come on man. I would cringe at the thought of having to spend more than $10 on a bat for the scout.

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15 minutes ago, thompson said:

The truth is who in the right mind would spend $150+ on a melee weapon for a class that already has a powerful close-range shotgun. Come on man. I would cringe at the thought of having to spend more than $10 on a bat for the scout.

I guess this happens because of some factors.

-An old weapon from Invasion

-Star Wars reference

-Elite rank

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7 minutes ago, Colonel Johnson said:

I guess this happens because of some factors.

-An old weapon from Invasion

-Star Wars reference

-Elite rank

Yeah, I could see people who wanna cosplay scout as a sith or something buying this. Personally not my thing, those reasons isn't enough to justify spending that much, especially since it isn't exactly a limited item and more can be created in the future via tradeups as OP mentioned.

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1 minute ago, thompson said:

Yeah, I could see people who wanna cosplay scout as a sith or something buying this. Personally not my thing, those reasons isn't enough to justify spending that much, especially since it isn't exactly a limited item and more can be created in the future via tradeups as OP mentioned.

Those tradeup items have to come from the case you know.... it leads to everything in the case getting more rare over time.


The real reason to get the batsaber is to make tiny sentry buster ragdolls 💪

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I feel like this is going to be a pump and dump but I don't know how far they'll crash once they sell off. I would think after the sell off happens prices will crash but stabilize higher than they were a few weeks ago and they'll slowly start to climb back up. They're an elite grade item from an old crate so they will still continue to gain value over time as the crates become rarer.


If you look at the gladiator sales there has only been one this week and that was "only" for 47 keys so it seems like the only people buying them currently are people hoping to cash in on the hype.

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It sounds like people are willing to pay anything if the item is popular enough. Gladiator shows sales are happening. If people are still buying, theres no telling how high they'll go, and it's unlikely there'll be a substantial dump.

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11 minutes ago, Nickman said:

If you look at the gladiator sales there has only been one this week and that was "only" for 47 keys so it seems like the only people buying them currently are people hoping to cash in on the hype.

This is confusing, bots buying with no sales, where would the current price come from then? Did it jump to 90 one day, or are bots selling to bots

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40 minutes ago, Brown said:

This is confusing, bots buying with no sales, where would the current price come from then? Did it jump to 90 one day, or are bots selling to bots

Gladiator is showing a handful of sales closer to the recently suggested price


The current price is most likely coming from artificial demand.


I'm going to use the bat saber as an example. I don't know for sure if this is what's happening but it's one possibility.

Lets say there is a person or a group of people who want to make money off of batsabers. If the individual/group has enough funds, they can start to purchase most of the bat sabers that are available for sale. Other people will notice that they're going up in price, and will buy in as well, which helps increase the price further. Once the individual/group who started the buying has enough batsabers and/or the buy orders for bat sabers are high enough one of two things could happen:

  1. The individual/group who started this will dump their stock all at once and crash the market. They may only break even or even lose money on some but will make a large margin off of most of their early purchases
  2. If the demand is high enough and there is real demand (i.e. normal people buying them to keep) they can slow sell them so long as the demand stays high

The other two factors playing into the price are the fact that batsabers intrinsically have value due to them being an elite grade from an old crate and the damn buyorder bots.

The fact that many people's bots are designed to overcut other buy orders really helps the buy orders shoot up in value. I won't be surprised if a bunch of these things get pawned off on bot buy orders, leaving the bots stuck with them after the sell off happens.

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3 hours ago, thompson said:

The truth is who in the right mind would spend $150+ on a melee weapon for a class that already has a powerful close-range shotgun. Come on man. I would cringe at the thought of having to spend more than $10 on a bat for the scout.

"Who would spend $200 on a virtual hat that does nothing? Just use stock"
CS:GO atm:


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5 hours ago, thompson said:

The truth is who in the right mind would spend $150+ on a melee weapon for a class that already has a powerful close-range shotgun. Come on man. I would cringe at the thought of having to spend more than $10 on a bat for the scout.

I think the more important factor here is that you can get a really nice unusual fish at this pricepoint. People buying a batsaber for 30 keys probably already have an expensive scattergun. People buying a batsaber at 60 keys, or even 90 keys if they're that nutty (and let's not get into strange batsabers) will 99.8% surely have an expensive scattergun


Fish > Batsaber all day long imo

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9 hours ago, thompson said:

The truth is who in the right mind would spend $150+ on a melee weapon for a class that already has a powerful close-range shotgun. Come on man. I would cringe at the thought of having to spend more than $10 on a bat for the scout.

Nobody buying it is looking to use it, it's all just to make money. They'll use it while they have it but they prioritize the value of the item over the item itself

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all you kids and your gimmicky batsabers, man i just want a damn giger counter but since its from the invasion case aswell then it will get its price goddamn skyrocketing


from 3-5 keys to 11 keys in just 2 months... 

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1 hour ago, rndmchrs said:

looks normal dude

yes the guy with 50 batsabers is totally legit and not the one behind the batsaber going from 13k-45k in a week.

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Just now, hulk hogan said:

yes the guy with 50 batsabers is totally legit and not the one behind the batsaber going from 13k-45k in a week.

Oh wait that's even worse someone's either dumped 50 batsabers onto that bot or the owner is behind all this.

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22 hours ago, hulk hogan said:

yes the guy with 50 batsabers is totally legit and not the one behind the batsaber going from 13k-45k in a week.

i dont think you know what sarcasm is.

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