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Finding Items crafted or gifted by specific profiles on bp.tf or steam marketplace


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Hey Everyone,


I collect items that have been crafted, signed (gifted) or unboxed by members of the tf2 community be they youtubers, invite players, artists ect. 


I was wondering if anyone had any more efficient ways to track down these items on bp.tf or how to find any items which may be lurking on the steam market place. At the moment I use these methods:


-Clicking through item histories via bp.tf premium for specific players

-Using the Compare feature to look at items removed during a specific time period.

-Looking through the .json item history files. Due to the large number of these files for most player and the overlap between the items I haven't used this much because its faster to look through the item inventory on the website. This is working under the assumption that the contents of these files is the same as the players item history on the website.

-Used an add-on which lets me see the inventories of people in specific steam groups to look for signed or crafted items (I gave up on this quickly)


 Currently I have no methods to find these items on the steam marketplace. If anyone has any advice on tracking down these items on bp.tf, the steam marketplace, or elsewhere I would be glad to hear your ideas!


Many thanks,


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32 minutes ago, Spyromancer said:

Have you tried like
actually getting to know these people personally?

When it is possible yes. However, its a bit presumptuous and rather obnoxious to assume to top-level invite players or popular content creators want to "get to know me personally."


I have many items from people who have signed items for me. The items I actively track down and am asking about here are from players who are not active in the scene anymore or do not sign items. 

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1 hour ago, Spyromancer said:

You misread my comment, and quite frankly don't fully understand what makes a signed item valuable and why so many people avoid signing stuff.


It has a market. Everything can be sold if you find the target audience and at the right price. Adversely, people will not buy signed items because they feel it depreciates the item. 


also not sure how they misread it, they said yes in their first sentence lol

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4 hours ago, Spyromancer said:

You misread my comment, and [quite frankly don't fully understand what makes a signed item valuable] and why so many people avoid signing stuff.

                                                                                                              ^You're not the sole decider of something's value... 

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6 hours ago, Spyromancer said:

You misread my comment, and quite frankly don't fully understand what makes a signed item valuable and why so many people avoid signing stuff.

I am not sure of any other way to interpret your comment. 


Additionally, they are valuable to me because I like them and find them interesting, but vrakos said it best:

2 hours ago, Vrakos Anthrakir said:

^You're not the sole decider of something's value... 


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As far as I know there is no good way to find gifted/ crafted by items. I ran into this issue myself recently when trying to find a hat I crafted and again when trying to determine how many of a certain hat I've gifted so far.

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