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Need help pricing a skin


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Hello! My apologies if this isn't written or placed correctly, as it's my first time doing this, but I have a oddity of a skin. A strange, factory new Country Crusher scattergun. From what BP.tf tells me, there's less than 50 of the skin in existence, I cannot find any others being sold to compare, and the only price for them is 4 years out of date. Is the old price still accurate? 


9 minutes ago, ApothicЯ said:

https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/440/Strange Country Crusher Scattergun (Factory New)

Contrary to what it is said on the description of the item, it's the strange version of it, so I'd say 7-10 keys



8 minutes ago, Strange said:

One sold on August 7 at $18.97 (8.35 keys) on Steam Community Market https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/440/Strange Country Crusher Scattergun (Factory New)

this will be $16.5 after fees, which is around 7.26 keys.


I'd say this could go for 7-8 keys, you could maybe go a little higher if you're willing to be patient

Thank you! I had seen that on the market, but because they didn't have strange in the description I thought it was a glitch taking me to the normal fac new ones. I think I'll keep it, but you all have been very helpful.


I think ive sold that for more in the past, and as it is a pretty rare item you can highball it somewhat.

1 hour ago, awsommv said:

I think ive sold that for more in the past, and as it is a pretty rare item you can highball it somewhat.

I wonder how rare it actually is. The ~50 number seems to be just all country crushers, not just stranges or fac news


It is a FN Strange tradeup, so the only way more are being made are by trading in 10 Strange FN Civilian grade weapons, and even then the largest chance of getting that particular weapon as a result is 20%.


also used in tradeups so the number in existence can vary greatly

its not really a skin people buy for keeps


You can definitely get more then past sales on that Scattergun btw. If your patient enough I would highly recommend holding onto it as Civilian factory new trade up skins are becoming more and more limited. The less civilian skins in existence, the more expensive ALL strange trade up skins from those collections will cost. Hope that helps!


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