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Did foamy get hijacked?


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Maybe people will finally start to accept that Steam's security infrastructure is garbage and not every account hijacking is merely "user error."

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51 minutes ago, Fang said:

Maybe people will finally start to accept that Steam's security infrastructure is garbage and not every account hijacking is merely "user error."

Phishing will always exist on big platforms no matter how many security measures are put in place. 2FA does not stop someone from getting phished, and that includes Steam.

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9 minutes ago, Spyromancer said:

Is this at all related to the recent gmail password breaches?
It may be prudent to switch your Steam emails.

Your email being in data breach should not be an issue if you're active on Steam and have Steam guard enabled.

The only time where it becomes an issue is if you abandon your Steam account and your email for a very long time, and/or you reuse passwords + usernames.

In other words, you would need to have very bad account hygiene for this to happen.


What happened to Foamy is not that. It's plain old phishing.

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3 hours ago, Fang said:

Maybe people will finally start to accept that Steam's security infrastructure is garbage and not every account hijacking is merely "user error."


Do you know how his account got hijacked

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3 hours ago, Abstract said:

What happened to Foamy is not that. It's plain old phishing.


Not entirely sure I believe that somebody that's a price moderator for backpack.tf; and therefore should know 100% about phishing scams, got phished, unless you mean via a totally different site/service and he had the same username/password there as his steam account for some reason.

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15 minutes ago, Slam said:


Not entirely sure I believe that somebody that's a price moderator for backpack.tf; and therefore should know 100% about phishing scams, got phished, unless you mean via a totally different site/service and he had the same username/password there as his steam account for some reason.

Phishing can happen to anyone, even the tech savvy or people aware of such scams can fall victim if they don't pay attention to where they're entering their credentials.

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just like what jim browning said.he is an anti-scammer that hunts scammer but ended up getting scammed like a few weeks ago which means no matter how good or perfect you are,u can fall victim to scams

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9 hours ago, Abstract said:

Phishing can happen to anyone, even the tech savvy or people aware of such scams can fall victim if they don't pay attention to where they're entering their credentials.


So.. it's still their fault? Sure it can happen to anyone but only if you dont pay attention, in your own words. The point that was being made wasn't that it "can't" happen to an admin, the point is that the admin should really be taking full precaution on this.

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