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I'm having trouble if this guy is a scammer or not

mr man

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this aussie guy has japanese gift cards and he says hes going to give the code to me once i give him a bunch of items in a trade. he put a spec ks rescue ranger as a counter to make sure i trust him.

is this a scam?


*edit* he says he wants me to confirm it before he gives me the code. this seems a bit more like a scam. i still need help tho


btw, hes marked scammer on bp.tf but he went on a wall of text discussion going on about how he got his items stolen and the mods got it wrong

idk if i trust him on that but for now ill give him benefit of the doubt

his profile link is here: https://steamcommunity.com/id/underagepornishot/


is he a scammer, any personal experiences or...

(he claims that he cant use the gift cards, which is true because hes aussie but idk)

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I would not trust him. If someone's profile looks suspicious and they want to do a cash trade, don't bother. Cash trades are best with reputable traders. Don't do it.

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Well there are a few dead giveaways. Lets lists them


1. They are offering you a gift card code along with no rep. Also why tf would he have a Japanese gift card code. Where would you even get that?


2. He wants you to confirm your item. Most likely going to pull a phishing scam. (if not a phishing scam then going to give you a fake steam gift code.) Ask him to go first and he will make an excuse not to. Scammers aren't hard to predict.


3. He is marked as a scammer on rep.tf for a reason. If it is for scamming then most likely it is. You need to give irrefutable proof for someone's account to be marked a scammer like chat logs in full, trades show clearly, etc. (I might be missing a few things.) I have seen people's screenshots that lacked a few things and some accounts weren't marked as a scammer because of it.


To prevent this in the future, if anyone offers a trade that isn't a normal one then it is most likely a scam. If they say they reported you and you will get banned or something weird that isn't "normal". I will let you be the judge of that. If you feel like something is weird then it is.


btw The fact that he isn't using an alt account surprises me. 


I wouldn't do cash trade if I were you. Also what are you going to do with a steam gift card. Much safer to sell on steam marketplace.


Hope this helps! Stay safe and keep trading ^-^

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Even ignoring all the various red flags, would you want to even interact with someone whose Steam ID is that?

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3 hours ago, mr man said:

is he a scammer, any personal experiences or...

(he claims that he cant use the gift cards, which is true because hes aussie but idk)

Steam auto-converts currency for you if u have a steam gift card of a different currency. I have a steam account using HKD, when I bought various giftcards on my trips in the UK and Australia, steam auto converts those currencies back to HKD and vice versa if I am using any other currency. Maybe it would be the case if the store sells another type of gift cards that only allows you to use on accounts with that specific currency but I don't know how to differentiate them, but almost all gift cards of different currencies will be converted automatically.


3 hours ago, mr man said:

btw, hes marked scammer on bp.tf but he went on a wall of text discussion going on about how he got his items stolen and the mods got it wrong

idk if i trust him on that but for now ill give him benefit of the doubt

his profile link is here: https://steamcommunity.com/id/underagepornishot/

You never know if he makes a story up, maybe he is mistakenly banned, then why not appeal? Either way, I would not interact with that guy whatsoever. 
Also if you ever encounter a trade related to gift cards https://www.consumer.ftc.gov/articles/gift-card-scams 

From the looks of it, he will probably get you to login some site and phish you, which will impact more than just your steam account. In other words, don't trust him.

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