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When there will be new crate?


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none of us are valve employees man how do ya expect us to know
but there should be a summer case coming? idk just a guess

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8 minutes ago, mcextraTTV said:

Summer crate then probably Halloween 

Summer crate in august like last years

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Let's see: Summer 2020 case - August 21, 2020, Summer 2019 case - July 25, 2019, no Summer case for 2018 or 2017, Crate Series #103 - July 7, 2016, Gun Mettle Cosmetic Case - August 27, 2015, Crate Series #85 and #84 - August 13, 2014, Crate Series #71 and Select Reserve Mann Co. Supply Crate - August 27, 2013, 2013, Black, Brown, Blue, Aqua, Green, Yellow, Orange and Red Summer 2013 Coolers - July 10, 2013, Summer Appetizer Crate - July 2, 2013, Crate Series #59 - June 19, 2013, Scorched Crate - June 27, 2012, Crate Series #28, #27 and #26 - August 18, 2011, Crate Series #25, #24 and #23 - July 12, 2011, Refreshing Summer Cooler - June 28, 2011,  and, drum roll, the very first summer crates, Crate Series #21, #20 and #19 - June 23, 2011. Out of all cases and crates added, there were only 4 summer updates that added crates in June, and the last one was the June 19, 2013 patch, I'd say you're not going to see any cases this month. I wouldn't be expecting a new case until somewhere between mid-July and mid-August.


Feel free to check my comment, I may have messed up a date or two.

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