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I made my first key today.


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Idk I just started thought it would be cool to make a forum. I do have 1 question though for new traders starting out with 1-2 keys where should they try to make a profit?

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At that low the only real way to compete with bots would to buy painted items with high tier paint, or atleast mid tier and sell them for slightly more than you got it for.


Once you reach 5-10 keys you should swap over to buying and selling spelled items.


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I'd rather turn that key into metal. It's easier to trade with 60 ref than with 1 key. You can trade with low-tier items, reach 5-10 keys as Saylen said and go for unusuals, spelled items, anything that is more expensive. Find a field that you know well. 

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I definetly reccomend card trading if done right it's the fastest method to get to unusual trading here a video u might find helpfull : 


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