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Dear Athiests

A Cyan Stone in Mustard

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When somebody says something about god please don't be a douche and go like "OH HE'S NOT REAL FAGGOT LOL GETTA LIFE LOLOLOOL" just leave it and respect peoples' beliefs.


I'm not saying all atheists do it, just the ones that do please stop, it's fucking annoying. My best friend is atheist so I don't really have anything against you guys.


Thank you.




Jokes on you, i'm agnostic. I can't be made fun of by athiests or thiests. 


Same thing could be said to those Christians that go spamming music videos where the singer cusses, especially songs like Same Love.


Why can't everyone just get along and stop hating?


The world is a very hateful place.


It's apparently too hard to respect someones beliefs and not act irrationally towards them.


Atheist here, reporting in.




Religions have been sending out missionary envoys for thousands of years, some to forcefully convert populaces. Yet more hypocrisy.




Hahaha, I prejudice equally! The best side of the argument is the side that is vs all other sides! I'll take you all on! Be you Theist, Atheist OR Agnostic!


dear theists, dont try to convert everyone just because they dont believe in a god.

thanks //atheists & agnostics.


one side isnt better than the other side


This doesnt happen too often, only the more racist athiests do it, personally, i havent seen an athiest(including myself) do this to a christian before but I did see numerous christians trying to help someone "find god".


Again, just to clarify I respect all religions and races.


I wont respect your belief, but I will respect your right to have one.


i see that on jewish forums everyday, atleast here the atheists are not idiots


I'm a jewish atheist, and when I was in middle school, there was this asshole kid who every day would bitch about me being an atheist, and I never said a word about it to him. He would say the most horrible things towards my religion, and I would just ignore them. So that's why I try my best not to argue about religion because it really sucks when bad shit happens. To quote my favorite game of all time,


"Friends who want to stay friends don't discuss politics or religion."


-Cole Phelps


Dear anybody with a religion-

its great that you believe in a religion! Its great that you find happiness in a god! And though I may not know why it makes you happy, I will respect the fact that it makes you happy.

Just please don't force your religion, or the expectations of your religion upon me, or the rest of society. Your religion does not make you better than people with other religions, or people without a religion. 


Dear atheists-

Its OK that you don't believe in a god! If you feel happy when you aren't believing in a higher power, go for it!

Just don't shove your lack of faith in a religious person's face. Or anybody really. Please don't. Not believing in a higher being doesn't make you better than those who do. 



An Atheist 


As a Christian I'm very annoyed by people trying to tell other people what to believe in. Including Christian.


Oh and it's atheïsts, not athiests. It's from a (non) theos (god). So people that don't believe in god. Yeah okay I'm annoyed by that


lol @ all the above responses; another religion thread. Hooray.


@ OP: Prove he exists and ill stop calling him fake.


Some Atheists do say stuff like that simply because they can't go on a day without a theist telling them how real god is.


Some Atheists do say stuff like that simply because they can't go on a day without a theist telling them how real god is.


Its a sexual thrill.


You've got to admit, when it comes to bashing, both are as bad as each other.


But when It comes to atheism, some of them like to generalise like no other, they let a few bad apples spoil the bunch, and that really disappoints me.


In general I will never do this. I respect people's beliefs, as long as they do as well.

However, the moment someone starts using their religion as an argument in a discussion, I WILL react like this. It is totally fine that you believe X and Y, but you have to understand that this is not how it works for everybody and that the people who don't share your belief are not crazy. They just chose a different religion, or chose to not to be part of a religion at all. From a logical point of view it actually makes much MORE sense to be agnostic, as this is the furthest you'll get by logical reasoning. It is fine you have beliefs beyond that, but don't force them on or use them to deny rights/freedom to others.




Same can be said to the Extreme Religious persons sho preach their way and yell at you when you say you're Atheist

"You're going to HELL! Confess your sins before you BURN FOR ETERNITY"

It goes both way, but Christians more than anything. I'm Atheist but I respect other people's beliefs and way of life


Python, why is it everytime i try and read something you post I end up getting stuck watching that damn gif in you sig...


Python, why is it everytime i try and read something you post I end up getting stuck watching that damn gif in you sig...

You don't auto-block signatures  ^_^


It doesnt bother me, but its like i HAVE to sit there and watch it complete. lol


No one ever does that. Ever.


You've never been to YouTube have you.


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