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Are Numbered Craft Hats Worth Anything In 2021?


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Hello There,


I just had a simple question of are lvl 1, 42, 69, 99, 100 craft hats worth anything or no. Or Is It buyer dependent? also do spells help sell certain items? and how much do numbered craft hats sell for usually? 3 keys? IDK, Just was curious to know...





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Craftable hats are basically infinite, so usually not much interest in special levels.


Uncraftable hats are somewhat limited, and level 100 uncraftable may go for a few keys.

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'Special' levels might get you a little bit extra if you can actually find someone who collects that stuff, but most people don't care. 


Spells add value, depends on the desirability of the spell(s) and the base item so it varies a lot. 


Numbered craft hats?  I assume you mean #100 and less.  Not much for most of the numbers especially as they're generally not desirable hats (hence them being so low as to be craft hats).  1-1.5keys I'd peg most numbers at, but you'd have to get lucky or, again, find a collector (like this 

, if they're still buying) 

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Any Idea on how to find collectors who will collect #100 craft cosmetics? or are those types of collectors still active, IDK and those those curious the #100 crafts I got are Ground Control, Cuban Bristle Crisis, and a Cool Cat Cardigan all #100 (crafted) for those that buy those types of Items for a key (buyer dependant)

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You are confusing level and craft #. You have level 100 cosmetics not craft #100. People refer to craft number with the # symbol and just say level X when talking about level. New craft # hats haven't been available in years cause new cosmetics are all tiered case only. You would only be able to get a ref or two over normal price if you're lucky, most people who collect this stuff have had years to get all the craft hat ones or their like me and only save em if they crafted it themselves or see it for normal price in a bot.

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Oh whoops, my mistake just was curious If "special" lvl craft hats had any value or If there were any collectors who still collect things like that Or did those types of collectors die out??

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