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Professional Killstreak fabricator Effects and Sheen


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Hello, I am wondering if the effect and sheen of a professional fabricator affects it's price or does the price of the fabricator remains the same even if they have different sheen and effect?

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Sheen and effect does in fact affect price. As a general rule of thumb:


Sheen: Team Shine > Violet > Hot Rod = Emerald = Manndarin = Daffodil = Mean Green

Effect: Fire Horns > Tornado > Flames = Cerebral = Incinerator = Singularity >>>> Hypno Beam


For the most part sheen/effect is up to personal preference, however you can always get more for Fire Horns / Tornado kits and for Team Shine / Violet kits. Team Shine + Fire Horns kits especially are the highest-value by far. Hypno Beam is to be avoided or sold at buy order prices, even with Team Shine not a lot of people like or want it.

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Sheen: Team Shine > Violet > Hot Rod > Manndarin, Emerald, Daffodil > Mean Green

Effect: Fire Horns > Tornado > Flames, Cerebral > Incinerator, Singularity >>>> Hypno Beam


This is a bit more accurate in terms of sell price from my experience.

The higher the combo, the higher it can sell for.


Though people tend to avoid hypnobeam, it is not always necessarily buy order prices. And team shine x hypnobeam does in fact sell higher than normal hypnobeam with any other color.

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The Sheen order can be negotiable though, since Deadly Daffodil is usually desired on weapons that have an Australium variant

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10 minutes ago, Strange said:

The Sheen order can be negotiable though, since Deadly Daffodil is usually desired on weapons that have an Australium variant

Really Sheen can be any order, as most people that are buying Pro KS items for keeps are willing to pay a bit extra to get a sheen that matches their loadout / unusual effects / etc. Typically sheen doesn't affect much, though Team Shine and to a lesser extent Violet go for more on average.

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Desirability differs from cost though. Sheen can affect it by a lot depending on several different factors. Team Shine/Violet are the costliest sheens just on average. As were the other ones I listed. However for example Australiums, Deadly Daffodil is higher than some of the other ones it is normally equal in price to. 


Another factor that can have an effect on price is how many are available. Some people desire certain sheen/streaker combos, and are willing to pay top dollar for a specific kind. Some people don't care and will just take cheapest.

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