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What the heck happened to the Aces High Hat of Cards price?


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Just because there are sellers for an item does not mean that the item is worth what they are trying to sell it for.

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Price gouging, not actually worth that. Try and trade one of those guys the same thing for something they have listed at even half that B/O and you'd get insta-declined. I had one of these a few months ago, and getting $65USD for it was a hard sell. That buyer for 60 is already overpaying, so if you want one I'd just wait a while and the market will go back to normal.

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My guess is it's just people seeing the massive spike in price of a lot of things (from old hweens to max's heads) and deciding to try and trick idiots into thinking "SUPER THEMED" hats are gonna skyrocket too, even though said hat is plagued with the 3rd or 4th worst effect in the game that has a solid 60% chance to glitch out on you at any time. Then you got the guy asking 250 for one that's level 21 cuz "omg triple themed cuz blackjack number". I laugh at that one most because as if anyone actually wants to pay 250 keys for a single-class "themed" hat, with a number that can't be seen in-game unless someone inspects you, with a garbage effect that glitches out, and to top it all off, on a class where 75% of the time you're playing you're invisible or disguised, which means nobody sees that unusual during that time. I can get an ace's Virtual Viewfinder, an all-class misc, for less than that.


Edit: I do believe that unusuals with a very clear hat+effect theme should be worth a little more, maybe even double what they should if it's a top tier effect or a ridiculously clean combo, but not literally 10-20x more.

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As the 150 seller I'd just like to point out;


I do not think this is worth 150.


It has a neat theme to it and I've been after one for ages. The price has been going steadily up (buyers are already above the "recent" price suggestion price) since they are progressively being bought and rotting in people's backpacks.



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