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Spamming Invites, Hijacker or Phishing or Advertisements/Links


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user adds me for spamming in chat.

Proof: http://i.imgur.com/4kmTxll.jpg

Profile Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198115104251/



Spamming Invites
Hijacker or Phishing
Spamming Advertisements/Links

Attempte trade Scam




Currently happen often multiple users!
I've had several of this type chat on steam!

I blocked immediate this user on Steam!
After I make a screenshot and send to Steam!
Never click on the link sent by the User!


So and you what you do?


I myself have never been a victim nor ever been targeted by phishers.

So I'm glad but sad at the same time, maybe my bp isn't worth it :c

Anyway, it's k to click the links but don't sign in at all.

But if you ever come across a .rar file then don't even think about clicking it o3o


I have have three of these in the last two days.
the first one i actually clicked on the link but nothing happened.. 


I have have three of these in the last two days.

the first one i actually clicked on the link but nothing happened..

If it was a Link from somebody like that, I wouldn't be sure it did "nothing". Phishing links can do way more then get your steam account.


3 Phishers yesterday, I just report them directly to valve using the report feature on each profile.


Too lazy to Block / Report. Just let them run free 0:->


Not to patronize you, but I get around five or six of these a DAY. From different people some of the time, other times the same one. I started keeping count of this one phisherman account. Its name is Digital Claw, and I think its added me 10 times or more. I don't bother blocking them, because I've begun to memorize their names and their patterns, so I just ignore them.


I myself have never been a victim nor ever been targeted by phishers.

So I'm glad but sad at the same time, maybe my bp isn't worth it :c

Anyway, it's k to click the links but don't sign in at all.

But if you ever come across a .rar file then don't even think about clicking it o3o

Or you could just not click any suspicious links at all. I don't know, just a thought... you might live longer.


I had 5 phishers today, probably wanting my burning view.


If it was a Link from somebody like that, I wouldn't be sure it did "nothing". Phishing links can do way more then get your steam account.

how would i know if it did anything? and how do i check? im pretty bad with computer when it comes to this. 


Yeah, i've had a few over the past weeks...really annoying.


I get at least 1 a day, i suggest just block and report them via their steam profile. (Truth be told im too lazy for this... *aint nobody got time for that*


When SteamRep changed their policy in November, I started to report them via profile page directly too. Picked one guy back then and checked back every 2-3 days to see if anything would come from the report, but after 2 weeks I gave up on both checking and reporting, since absolutely nothing happened and it made me sick to see how Steam Support seemed to give absolutely zero fucks.


By now, I just remove them. A block makes no sense to me unless it's an obvious alt, I don't want to end up blocking someone forever who only had his account hijacked.


Yay, I got my first phishing link :D

Too bad my friend was phished...


Can you guys like, idk, help me report dis guy (The one who got phished, maybe valve can do something if you report the account saying it was phished)


That's my friend Yen, the guy who got phished.


Yay, I got my first phishing link :D

Too bad my friend was phished...


Can you guys like, idk, help me report dis guy (The one who got phished, maybe valve can do something if you report the account saying it was phished)


That's my friend Yen, the guy who got phished.

Oh and this is the chat log.

Apologies for the swearing.


Then I proceeded to spam warning on his profile comment as well as warn as many of his friends as possible.

Had 1 phisher add today, kinda already knew before accepting request to confirm cus he's profile gave it away.


level 1 acount 1 game = ignore add :D


No more phishers :D


I've gotten 2 phishers that are live people, not automatic people that don't reply.


I used to try try to troll them asking questions how to add etc. Few times I made them rage. Lately it's only bots I think. I block / delete them.


5. Most are bots with canned responses, so I just unadd. 


This is why people. I will only hold low tier unusual when i have a chance.

I don't even own an Unusual and I've gotten phishing adds.


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