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Backpack Examiner and Raw Earbuds

ǍгᴋᴀɴД ₭ɪлʛ

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I just curious but I don't know why the backpack examiner doesn't keep track of earbuds even though they a form a currency and do get as much attention as keys and refined metal,


http://i.imgur.com/UCDWyLf.png (in-case you don't follow what I mean).


Just seems inconsistent? Was considering to post this on the website suggestions but I don't really see the benefits. Thanks for reading ♪

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It actually does track it when you click the profile of whoever it is and click "View All" where it says top friends, but it doesn't show as a currency, like you said. Strange.

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Would be nice, yes. :P But the majority of people doesn't have multiple earbuds so I guess that's the reason why it isn't there.

Maybe Brad could add a setting here. Something like 'Include buds/refined in raw currency count [y/n]' and 'display raw currency in [buds/keys]'

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