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do buy orders determine unusual hat price


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so now a days people mostly price their unusuals based on buy orders but i've seen some tell me that buy orders are meaningless


do buy orders have any meaning or are they really just pointless when it comes to pricing unusuals?

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1 hour ago, AdMortem said:

so now a days people mostly price their unusuals based on buy orders but i've seen some tell me that buy orders are meaningless


do buy orders have any meaning or are they really just pointless when it comes to pricing unusuals?

Buy orders are not the only thing you should consider when estimating the price of an unusual you want to buy.

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Use it as a guideline, use other sell orders, similar hats/effects and a few other factors to hone down on a good price.

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Check how long ago the Unusual in question was priced and if possible look up some recent sales. A lot of the time buy orders are quicksell price

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Buy Orders help determine a lower value, as since they're the price that people would instantly buy the item with no negotiation, so it doesn't make sense to sell the item for less than that.

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For low to mid tier hats it does. Don't use the same technique for higher value unusuals or you'll be blocked instantly by most traders. 

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Yes and no. Outside of the low-mid tiers, I think they're better used as a gauge for demand for anything else. If there's a lot of buy orders, you got a good one, if there's only one or two, then it's nothin' special. But to answer your question specifically, no, they alone don't determine prices since most quickbuyers will try and put prices as low as possible while still seeming "reasonable".

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They just determine how liquid items are. Higher buyorders probably means your item will sell for pure more often/sell faster (or just have generally higher demand). A hat with super low buyorders doesn't necessarily mean the hat is overpriced-might just be hard to sell. Best to look at sellorders and cross reference hats and effs if you are trying to gauge prices.

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7 hours ago, mr. o.g. said:

Personally, I laugh at most high tier unusual buy orders. But that's me.


I laugh a bit at certain high tier sell orders. But as to the buy orders, it may have something to do with the keys that must be on hand. To have a buy order of 1000 keys, you must have 1000 keys sitting in your BP, and most traders don't do that for long. I see a lot of high tier offers with comments like "contact me, I can beat any price."

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