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Still chugging along, hopefully i can get myself in the green in a week or 2..


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After half a month of trading so far, I've come out with a profit of..... -1 keys. yeah i know i lost money, but hey, i gained an important thing, EXPERIENCE. While it might not be much, ive learned at least how to negotiate decently, and not just immediately accepting the offer, so thats good, and im almost back to the first 11 keys i had, so thats nice! And if you want to know what hat i have atm and what im selling it for, its a steaming el mostacho for 10 keys, so if you are interested add me or send trade!

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Whatever you do, don't use Backpack.tf, I heard its a scam website or something. I use tf2gamblingnotscam.io for my trading and ive made a bajillion keys from it.

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Trading is no fun is all your capital is tied into one item (more or less).


I think you need at least 10 things to sell, as you don't know which one of them will go soon, but something will sell shortly. Rinse and repeat.

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