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Volumes and Finance

Arry Waters

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Here's a few question that have probably been answered before, but I'll ask them anyways.


How does tf2finance track key sales exactly?

Does it track any trades involving keys or only trades involving only both keys and metal?


What is the "Volume" chart below the "Refined" chart tracking?

How do you read it?

Is it a count that happens every four hours seeing as it segments each day into 6 bars?

If so, will adding all those individual counts give you an estimated amount keys sold for that day?


I'm curious seeing as I couldn't find a FAQs page to refer to at the website or Steam Group page.


I'm not sure if this answers my questions.


So from my understanding, it takes a random sample group of trades and compares the backpack difference between each trade (except anything that involves weapons???)? I'm assuming that's what the volume chart is and these samples are taken every 4 hours, yes no? If so, how much of overall trades do these samples represent; 30%, 40%?

Don't know if I understood it right seeing as the formatting of those answers in the link weren't too concise to be honest.


Runs like the budtracker, so both use 5 sources, what are they?


Also, you need a FAQs page or a thorough and comprehensive explanation page on how it works.

I know it would save sooo much time not having to answer the same questions over and over again. XD


comprehensive explanation page on how it works.


♫ truth is given by god to us all in our time in our turn ♫




You will find out the answers on your own in time, or somebody here will volunteer to give you the answers. 





And FAQ is worthless. 


Ask 10 random persons on Backpack.tf and over half of them won't know that stats.tf does not count dupes, while it's explicitly stated in the FAQ


♫ truth is given by god to us all in our time in our turn ♫




You will find out the answers on your own in time, or somebody here will volunteer to give you the answers. 


Well, I guess I'll just be kept in the dark here instead getting some validated info from the person who's supposed to know the most on this topic. People would rather hear questions concerning this topic answered from the source rather than from others. It's all about avoiding speculation. I'd rather not guess how it may work. Though, when someone does provide an answer I'll run it by you for validation if that's alright. ;)


And FAQ is worthless. 


Ask 10 random persons on Backpack.tf and over half of them won't know that stats.tf does not count dupes, while it's explicitly stated in the FAQ.

Yet, you most likely wouldn't have known that yourself if the FAQ didn't exist. Who's to say for every 10 people who doesn't know, there's 1 person who does? That's far better than no one knowing at all.



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