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So am i never allowed to suggest again?


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So am i just never gonna be allowed to suggest a price again for a tf2 unusual? i put a scale when there was 1 sale because it wasnt a solid key price. I guess a small mess up leads to a perma loss of ability? pretty harsh conditions for something like this.

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When you have negative reputation points, they will recover back up to 0 at a rate of 1 point a day. Once you are back to 0, you are allowed to suggest again.


This is done both to prevent spamming and for newer suggesters to look at why their suggestion was rejected and fix that rather than simply resubmitting everything again with the same problems.

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I've said this before but I think there should be no loss for the first suggestion ever put up. After multiple bad ones only do I feel people should start losing reputation. Could just be me tho.

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1 hour ago, Crazyy Cow said:

I've said this before but I think there should be no loss for the first suggestion ever put up. After multiple bad ones only do I feel people should start losing reputation. Could just be me tho.

But then again, imagine if there's a lot of new suggestors, along with spammers/trolls, who make poor suggestions at the same period of time, even if it's 2 per 0-rep suggestors.


Price Moderators have a lot of work as it is, and people who make the price suggestions should make quality over quantity, thinking of every detail in each and every suggestion they make.


As it was mentioned by @Scott Bakula, If you get temporarily blocked from making suggestions, take that time to indeed think over the denied suggestion and how you could make better suggestions in the future.

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If you make suggestions with no evidence a few times then you get temporarily banned from suggesting. But if you make one or two bad ones then you won't get banned, you'll just get -rep points. But you can fix that by voting on other suggestions or just waiting a few days

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Looking at your previous suggestion:


Here is what I would change:
-If you bought that hat from Steam Market, scroll over the listing to confirm is the effect.

-To convert that 90$ to key price, divide the price by the median key price of the day of sale (should show on the key price)

-Round your price to the nearest keys, as you cannot have a range based on one sale.


For any questions, come find help in the discord. 

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