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need advice on a unusual war paint


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Looking for help on pricing this unusual war paint 


1 owner is not selling

1 is on the market 

and I own the other (this can change there probably will be more) but for now image.thumb.png.4555e941f5653d407f810e9f0490c937.png

Screenshot 2020-10-15 044331.png

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Honestly, that's just purely beautiful, no other way to describe it. You should definitely ask for like 300, and accept anything above 200. Maybe lower it a bit depending on how long its taking

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I can't give an exact quote, but one thing's for sure: you lost a few hundred dollars of value by applying it rather than leaving it in paint form.

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2 hours ago, Knightfury69 said:

well hot mw is going for like 300 keys, this is well worn cool and applied so like 200 - 250 $

yh but i was watch this guy who was selling it and he first put in on the market 2 days ago for 1000£ then within 2 days he has taken off nearly 300£ and keep lowering his sale  he seems to be very very impatient so i mean sooner or later someone will clock how much of a steal that is on the market  

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9 hours ago, mr_sloopy said:

also tbh most of my offers have either pulled out or lowball/sharking me so if that just keeps happening i will just keep it


well if u ask for an unreasonable amount u wont get that much . 
u need to ask for an amount thats actually fair ig. 
i have no idea what ur asking for tho so pls excuse me if im wrong

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2 hours ago, Knightfury69 said:

well if u ask for an unreasonable amount u wont get that much . 
u need to ask for an amount thats actually fair ig. 
i have no idea what ur asking for tho so pls excuse me if im wrong

been asking for 100-200 offers and they all offer 60 pure or 70 in items

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