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Issue with Listing hat


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So I've been trying to list my unusual bread head and when i try to list it it says you can only list tradabe items. But the thing is is that it is tradable. If anyone knows hows any info on how i could fix this would be great appericiated, Thank You! 


Heres some photos to show you what i mean580091634_Screenshot2020-10-10at5_34_41PM.png.4563899b18ab75da5c7fbafb654ca44d.png869222484_Screenshot2020-10-10at5_33_11PM.png.f2ffe603a9ab94beaadd5aabbc6bf6ea.png

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gotta wait for an API call to succeed


just keep refreshing your inv from the backpack view (eventually it should work)


known problem

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If there is an item in your backpack that was untradable but now it is, try putting it on scm and taking it down from it. This should refresh the bp so you'll be able to list it normally

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