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Misty Skull misleading?


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For years, backpack.tf had red eyes on the misty skull effect, but in-game there are no red eyes. Why is this the case? Also should backpack.tf update their image of misty skull since the red eyes could be potentially misleading to buyers?

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I've owned Misty Skull at least 10 times and I have never seen the effect blink. But then again, I have a trash computer and so I have to put every setting to the lowest possible to get a good fps lol

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I checked the particle file. There is a red eye glow but its not added to the particle system so it doesn't show up. Not sure if that was a mistake by Valve or if they did that on purpose.


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6 minutes ago, Tobbby92 said:

I checked the particle file. There is a red eye glow but its not added to the particle system so it doesn't show up. Not sure if that was a mistake by Valve or if they did that on purpose.


The 2012 unusuals seem quite glitchy. Harvest Moon for example has a bright green glow when you spawn in, glow of which becomes dis-attached to the effect if you start walking around.

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Very interesting! From my personal experience, I've never seen the misty skull effect "blink" either from my years of trading and from the misty skull hats I've owned. I've also got a decent gaming rig and don't have my settings turned all the way down, it's just I have never seen the effect with the red eyes in game or via screenshot before. Though it's a neat find that the eyes do exist in the particle files. I hope if Valve could acknowledge if it's a glitch in the files or intentional, the red eyes really add a lot to the effect!

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Thanks for posting that Tobbby! The effect looks really nice with the red eyes, it adds contrast to the whole white/greyness of the effect. My spectulation is that Valve didn't add the eyes to make it more distinguishable from the skull that appears in Secret to Everybody. Again hoping that Valve would clarify if it was on purpose to leave out the red eyes. The difference between eyeless misty skull and eyed misty skull is quite stark! It just looks so much more complete if it had those eyes.

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