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Why so many people vote down the price suggestion just because its not prefect?


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I saw many people commented in the price suggestion said they vote down because its not enough proof or the proposed price has outdated,but the proposed price is clearly closer than the item actually worth.
For example:key currently worth about 43-44.55 ref,but current bp.tf display price still stay at 46.88-47 ref,because people tried at least suggest 4 times,but still cant pass.
Why they dont just let it pass and make a better one?

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"better than current" doesn't mean "accurate to the current item's value" that's why they don't accept it (sometimes they do if it's off by a scrap or two) You also need proof of sales to make a valid suggestion, even if the suggested range represents the items value better than current 

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Lol I was looking at the key suggestions to see what you're talking about in the comments and



This suggestion was accepted about a minute ago by A Delicious Cashew™.


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12 minutes ago, phenompak said:

oh that was mine and i was gonna close it soon but a page of sellers at 43.66 came out of nowhere, now i feel stupid @_@ 


Should have commented -  it seemed like it had been stable enough so far and had been well under the old price for at least 10 days. There weren't too many sales for higher on the tf2autobot discord and sellers/buyers showed that your suggested price were accurate




1 hour ago, R3G3N3R4T0R said:

I saw many people commented in the price suggestion said they vote down because its not enough proof or the proposed price has outdated,but the proposed price is clearly closer than the item actually worth.
For example:key currently worth about 43-44.55 ref,but current bp.tf display price still stay at 46.88-47 ref,because people tried at least suggest 4 times,but still cant pass.
Why they dont just let it pass and make a better one?

The suggestor needs to provide enough relevant evidence - proofless suggestions do not meet the standards as set by 

and thus will be closed. Key suggestions in particular require more evidence than your typical non-unusual suggestion because they are much more commonly sold - one sale does not represent the market. In order to best understand the common trading points, you need to collect a wide range of sales.


If the proposed price is outdated, then it's typically better to wait for the item to stabilize and suggest with the correct value. This means that item is still fluctuating rather quickly and we are better off waiting for now. 

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2 hours ago, Flamadin said:

I'm not sure that the mods actually pay any attention to the votes. They accept what meets their standards and that is it.

Very true, I've seen suggestions with 90% getting closed by mods because of no evidence/pointless change/resuggestion needed because new sales/range doesn't fit and suggestor didn't reply for over a week, but I've also seen suggestions with like 45% being accepted because the suggestion itself was accurate

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