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BUG IN STEAM REPORTING: Strange Professional Soda Popper


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The listing of the Strange Professional Soda Popper on this website is bugged. The steam reporting says the latest sellings were 6 dollars but they were actually anywhere from 12 to 10. Bots are undervaluing their items.



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The 4 most recent sales on the SCM are $6.86, $6.85, $8.60, and $8.55. Take Steam's fees away and that leaves a seller with about 6 bucks. Looks like it's averaging out things just fine.

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6 hours ago, Smile said:

Bots are undervaluing their items

If a bot is only basing its pricing off of what backpack says scm prices are then it's a bad bot.

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2 hours ago, FP jh34ghu43gu said:

If a bot is only basing its pricing off of what backpack says scm prices are then it's a bad bot.

OK, where would you have the bot check? Mannco.store? CS.deals? There's only a few good answers, and you have removed the two best ones by saying bots shouldn't try to look at backpack.tf or SCM.
I suppose we could assume you would want the bot to average out all the classified listings and go from there? 
I'd be willing to bet that the process is resource intensive for the website's API, and you'd get beaned before it was worth it to keep things up to date on a constant basis.

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5 hours ago, TraceofCakes said:

by saying bots shouldn't try to look at backpack.tf or SCM.

I said "only" scm and "only" what backpack is reporting that price to be. Not using a base item price function, other listings, actual scm sale data, anything other than what backpack says the current scm value is. This is what I think op is implying when he says "bots are undervaluing items" because he thinks bots are only using this value.

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