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this dear man approached me telling me that if i give certain items from my backpack i will get an unusual. i was super skeptical but he kept reassuring me that everything will be fine so i bought it. we started talking on discord and making me give his taunts to him then my items. after that he immediatly blocked me and that is that . DO NOT TRADE WITH THIS MAN

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Looking at your inv. you only lost a couple of stranges and cosmetics, you can easily recover from that when compared to others who lost hundreds of dollars. Either way, all you can do now is learn from your mistakes and move on.

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The most important anti-scam tip I can give any newbie is to realize that you're literally nobody. None of us are. Why would some random person be adding you to offer you some kind of exclusive deal? 


It also sounds like it may have been an impersonator? Pretty sure coolman prayz has been around a while and has a sizable backpack. picking on newbies for chump change doesn't sound right. 



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15 hours ago, h0wLze_ said:

how tf do people fall for this? 

If guy wasn't ever scammed in his life (maybe because he is too young and have small life experience), he just doesn't think he could get scammed. I remember how i almost lost my account in one multiplayer game which i played a lot, only because I gave password and login to a guy hehe :D I was like 8 - 9 years then, i think

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