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Are strange unusuals selling better than just normal ones?


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If by better you mean more then yes, you can always get more for a Strange unusual than just the regular unusual but as to how much more well that depends.  Hat, effect, class/s, and how many other strange versions of that hat and effect all add into how much more you can get.


Most don't have buy orders since there are only a few of each and those setting buy orders are generally doing so in order to flip the hat for profit.  And they would specifically have to set a buy order for a Strange Unusual version.  There are however people who are actievely looking to buy I get asked from time to time to sell my Strange Unusuals by people who look me up.

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If there is a strangifier for a hat then it being strange doesn't mean anything (e.g. bonk boy). Buy orders for strange unusuals are only on the ones with great demand even if there is a shitload of them in existance (e.g. Nebula translator) Other then that unusual being strange is a great selling point and it obviously might sell easier because of that.

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Strange versions are strictly better than normals, usually it isn't worth too much more tho. 


You can always sell stranges to the normal buy orders, so there is no real reason to avoid them other than people overcharging because it is strange.

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