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Home Depot - TTS™

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hello there, I'm home depot, not new to trading but I'm new to the forums, anyway I have 2 questions 

1, how can you - if you can - price a unusual that doesn't have a price, for example My cloud 9 El Mostacho has no price as of writing this, would love answers

2, how would you correctly price a QS, I'm trying to use calculators that have percentage things but I'm dumb and it's too complex, what's a easier method that you guys do

Thanks for reading and remember MORE SALES, MORE BUYS, THAT THE POWER OF THE HOME DEPOT founded in 1978

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Pricing quicksells is pretty easy, normal percentage is around 30%, but that can range from 25% for good hats, to 40% for horrible ones, but most people use 30% as base quicksell price.

Lets say you have a hat thats got a backpack.tf price of 30 keys, seems easy?
30 x .7 = 21
However, lets say there is a seller for 26, you would now do
26 x .7 = 18.2
But hey, you dont want .2 of a key in ref do you? 
If you are selling, round up (19 keys)
If you are buying, round down (18 keys)

If you have any more questions, feel free to add me on discord and I can help.

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