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the key price inflation is out of control


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At the time of writing keys are worth around 57 refined metal and 13 days ago they were 52.33 

This thing is getting out of hand 

And the reason why is because people only try to sell for more and more then the votes that people make are only going higher

I know inflation will happen but it really is getting out of hand 

So what i propouse is that we stop trying to over cut people and suggest it to be a higher price 

If we dont we could be sitting at 60 ref per key by the end of the month

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Keys are stable at 2$ I don’t know what you are talking about. 

If you are talking about refined metal getting cheaper then stop idling in game for free refined

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1 minute ago, Lucky Jackie said:

dunno,seems fine to me,no one can control the key's price.Thats just the market nature.

Imagine a society in the dark web controlling key prices. That would be insane

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15 minutes ago, Bob the Unsymmetrical said:

Imagine a society in the dark web controlling key prices. That would be insane

hmmm,possible,who knows if all the bots are doing it,hmmmmmm

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A large pool of refined exists along with a bunch of people that don’t give a crap. 

Keys have a chance to unbox high-value items. Depending on the crate, the risks are high to moderate. 

Refined is good for crafting. There aren’t a ton of craftable items that will net you a profit, especially if you’re bulk crafting.  You’re better off buying the item for substantially less than you’re investment. 

Unboxing and crafting are pretty similar in the risk and reward. Ref is just cheaper, less rewarding, and 10x more common than keys. 


ref is pretty useless 

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ask Valve to make refined useful again, in this way the key prices in refined will go down , i wish crafting was a thing again , good old timez.

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I don't really even understand why people care so much about key to refined prices when low/bottom end trading has been totally dead outside of bots for the past 3 years. Even if keys were 5 refined again, bots would still kill any ability to really make a profit with things worth <1 key.

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The only real way something could be done about it is a mass burn of refined, but that's not happening. No one will take their time to gather ref and destroy it just to control key prices. There's no point in it, if the same thing will happen.

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2 hours ago, Zea (Busy) said:

The only real way something could be done about it is a mass burn of refined, but that's not happening. No one will take their time to gather ref and destroy it just to control key prices. There's no point in it, if the same thing will happen.


I've said it in another thread like this, but the sheer amount of refined metal you'd have to obtain and destroy to actually make a dent in the ref supply is higher than the value of 99.99% of player's inventories, and even then, you'd be stuck begging for cash for the project from players with little to no money in the game, because literally anyone that's trading higher than 1 key items gains zero benefit from key prices going down, and anyone trading below 1 key value is wasting their time because bots completely own and dominate the majority of small / low tier trading.

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That's the exact reason some people did not want bots on backpack.tf in the first place. It was bound to happen where bots would dominate low tier trading because of the sheer quantity and accessibility of low tier items. They will instantly take items at a slight loss of profit for the seller, but with the amount of being selling it off it gives them such rampant control. Doesn't help that there are also unusual QS bots too. Yes, there is too much refined to really do a mass destruction with. I just craft hats with my metal because it's so worthless at this point and I've already got enough key worth in my inventory that it makes no difference.  

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15 hours ago, soggysoymilk said:

But does anyone agree that keys should be less refined

Cut soy out of your diet ASAP. 

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