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I got scammed by a top 1,000 backpack


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Going to go out on a limb here and say you were added by an impersonator who linked you to the real users backpack. I doubt a guy with a $4000 bp is throwing his rep away to phish your $50 bp

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Nope if you go to his backpack.tf profile and then click on his icon it goes to the steam profile of the person i messaged you can see my comment on the profile. so basically its the real person. I've was thinking that its possible that they're account has been compromised


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And he didn't link me to his backpack. i put his steam url into rep.tf and the from there i clicked on his backpack and thats how i got the profile.

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  • =<NWS_D>=BOSS changed the title to I got scammed by a top 1,000 backpack

Definitely looks like impersonator material. If you comment on the account of a steam profile belonging to an expensive backpack, you can almost guarantee to be added by impersonators.


Click on the profile of the guy you talked to, make sure their steam level and join date matches the dude you linked.

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To verify.


1. Go to: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198046775352/inventory/

2. Click the [ Trade Offers ] button.

3. Find the trade where you got scammed.

4. Click the other user's profile picture in the trade.

5. Copy the link of the profile that opened up.

6. Compare it to the link of the real profile.

7. If you can verify that it is the same link, feel free to make a report: https://backpack.tf/issues/create

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The history of your lost unusual. It appears to have been traded to an impersonator, who always have private backpacks. If the real user had it, it would be in his inventory, as it is set to public. 


I'm a bit confused how you ended up losing it though. Looking at the chat log, it would appear you recognized his attempt to phish your account.. yet it was still lost? Either your account was hijacked because you gave him all the required information, or you flat out gave it to him for free. Either way.. you should definitely change your password. 

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48 minutes ago, Apo said:

1. Go to: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198046775352/inventory/

2. Click the [ Trade Offers ] button.

3. Find the trade where you got scammed.

That would be only current incoming trade offers. They would need https://steamcommunity.com/my/tradehistory


https://steamcommunity.com/my/myactivity can also be used to find the scammer's account.

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well anyways i reported the trade to steam. their policy is that they wont revert trades of stolen items but they will make the item that was stolen. so hopefully ill get my unusual back. 

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20 minutes ago, ==BOSS said:

well anyways i reported the trade to steam. their policy is that they wont revert trades of stolen items but they will make the item that was stolen. so hopefully ill get my unusual back. 


Sorry to break it to you, but Steam will never again return any items lost or stolen for any reason unless it's a crazy fuck-up on Steam's end that the user had no way to prevent. (Something that has almost never happened in the history of the Steam item servers existing.) It doesn't matter if Bobsplosion got his ass scammed and lost his whole 6 digit backpack, Steam isn't going to restore his inventory.


All you can do is report the user to SteamRep and report them on bp.tf, then make a Steam report and hope they get trade banned, but by this point all your shit's probably funneled through several alt accounts or quicksold on cash-out sites. You only lost a small amount of money, it's very easy to trade back up to that or just simply get some cash saved up and re-buy what you lost, so you shouldn't dwell on it and let it ruin the game for you though.

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No "no witch hunts" comments? Also, top 1000 isn't that hard for scammers to achieve, even if it legit wasn't an impersonator 🤷‍♂️

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Sorry buddy. Much like yourself, I faced the same issue. I doubt you'll ever get that back from steam... Eventually you might be able to get it back via trading after it makes its way back onto the mainstream market. But steam doesn't do shit these days.

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2 hours ago, Mikers said:


Sorry to break it to you, but Steam will never again return any items lost or stolen for any reason unless it's a crazy fuck-up on Steam's end that the user had no way to prevent. (Something that has almost never happened in the history of the Steam item servers existing.) It doesn't matter if Bobsplosion got his ass scammed and lost his whole 6 digit backpack, Steam isn't going to restore his inventory.


All you can do is report the user to SteamRep and report them on bp.tf, then make a Steam report and hope they get trade banned, but by this point all your shit's probably funneled through several alt accounts or quicksold on cash-out sites. You only lost a small amount of money, it's very easy to trade back up to that or just simply get some cash saved up and re-buy what you lost, so you shouldn't dwell on it and let it ruin the game for you though.

That last bit you said is very wise. The fact that i lost it while being an experienced trader/player brought me down a lot. Im not coming out of this lower than i started but smarter and more wiser than when i came in. Thank you.

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8 minutes ago, =<NWS_D>=BOSS said:

That last bit you said is very wise. The fact that i lost it while being an experienced trader/player brought me down a lot. Im not coming out of this lower than i started but smarter and more wiser than when i came in. Thank you.

So was the trade offer history the same guy or not?

Did you entered your credentials in that site?

Did you gave your unusual to him for free in a trade offer?


Your are missing a lot of information, and you are not answering what people here asked...

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Yeah can you explain what actually happened so people can avoid it and be aware  ?  Also where you trading your hat for real cash ?

Pretty sure it was an impersonator but would be cool if you confirm. In case it wasnt an impersonator you should definetely report here and on steam rep.

Sorry this happened


Edit : Ok I commented without reading the whole thing because I thought it was obvious impersonator scam and it definetely looks like it , you were added by random dude and asked you to use a website no one ever heard of with a weird ass link  and asked you to do some random ass stuff with your unu.

Also check your steam api key and you shouldnt have anything there, if you got something take away all permits.


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If you got your trade offer redirected / logged in to a phishing website (are hijacked). Follow the steps here https://marketplace.tf/blog/posts/YHLZOB to secure your account.


Copy/pasted chat logs is not valid evidence. And we do not allow witch hunts / reports on the forums.

Please read the guide for reporting below and create a report by going to their backpack.tf profile and clicking the red flag http://prntscr.com/ssvob3


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