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Need some feedback

Bob the Unsymmetrical

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Hi I make price suggestions for a living for leisure. 


I just want some veteran price suggesters to take a look at my recent suggestions (or all if you want but they date back to 5-6 years ago) and give me some pointers on what to change/correct for my future price suggesting endeavours.

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I went through and commented with the most obvious stuff that'll kill the suggestions.  I didn't dig particularly deep (i.e. checking through all recent sales and such)

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1 hour ago, Vrakos Anthrakir said:


I read through them, most of them are related to key prices. ALso, what do you mean by buyers bid my low? On the DBD Danger?



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10 minutes ago, Bob the Unsymmetrical said:

I read through them, most of them are related to key prices. ALso, what do you mean by buyers bid my low? On the DBD Danger?



I didn't write that

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What I see from other suggestions, they usually post screenshots of classifieds. How do sellers and buyers impact the final price decision? Such as the DBD Danger suggestion for example.

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1 hour ago, Bob the Unsymmetrical said:

What I see from other suggestions, they usually post screenshots of classifieds. How do sellers and buyers impact the final price decision? Such as the DBD Danger suggestion for example.

Sellers (specifically ones old enough to be considered 'unsold) indicate that a suggested price higher than them is likely too high.  (if it's not selling at X, it's probably not worth a suggested value of X+Y (both variables being positive numbers)).  Suggestions will often stay open for a while though to see if any sellers actually manage to sell in order to gather more data points.


Quickbuyers, in the case of your suggestion, indicate that the low end is too low.  Quickbuyers pay less than the market value in order to quickly/easily flip for a profit, so quicksales/quickbuys are not considered the 'true' market value.  Your suggested flat price or lower bound of a range should be above quickbuying price.  This is not to say you can't raise based on quicksales, but any other recent valid sales should be checked to see if they're higher than quickbuying price.  This mainly pertains to unusuals, not regular items that see relatively high trade volume.

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