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Question about Spec Ks Kit Fabricators


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I have like 120+ Spec Ks sitting in my inventory and i'm not quite sure how to value them.
Are all spec ks kit fabricators for a specific shine/weapon worth the same price? Or are they dependent on the materials required to craft them?
Like i've noticed some of my fabricators change in price on bp.tf, and sometimes they become unpriced.
Thanks in advance for any help in understanding these kit fabricators 🙏


1.) Check how much they go for on the SCM (not via bp.tf, since that info is often outdated on bp.)

2.) For Spec KS, sheen doesn't matter for pricing. Maybe a tiny bit more value for Team Shine, but 95% of the time I don't see that being so.

3.) Pricing on KS kits and fabricators is solely based on their SCM values, they're not something that can be or ever will be properly priced by bp.tf.


http://www.fabricator.tf used to be a cool tool for completing kits and checking prices of the respective made kit. However the price function has been broken for some time. If you are planning on filling the fabricators its a very usefull website.


Thanks for your replies. So I should just sell all of them at SCM and and match the lowest listings right? Like there's no situation where 1 is worth a lot more than the others?


Team Shine is worth more for the good (rarer) fabricators. And backpack.tf puts weird values on these things sometimes, but yes S.C.M. prices are what they go for. (For team shine just price less than the other lowest team shine.)


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