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12 minutes ago, friendship said:

If you don't care leave your opinion inside of your head. Some people use it and they do care

He just said "unnecessary change" in an impolite way :)

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Adding that would just give bots an even smaller margin for which they could undercut each other, so it'd actually be even worse for non-bot traders. We could see the day that bots undercut each other by literally one craft weapon.


And like Zues said, 0.01 keys is 4-5 scrap. It's definitely a big deal for bottom-end trading with things worth less than a key, but for things worth more than a key, and especially a LOT more than a key, 5 scrap is literally nothing.

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56 minutes ago, Julia said:

I don't get it honestly. Can you explain more in detail why "many users will say thank you for that"?

they will say "thank you so much mister backpack.tf"

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I mean wouldn't backpack still be ordering classified listings based on actual lowest price and not the price they are appearing at? So it wouldn't change anything there.

Also you can just hover over classified listing to set the exact metal need, so adding extra decimals does nothing.

Also wouldn't bots be using the API in the first place and be completely uneffected by how many decimal places are displaying?


Overall seems highly unnecessary.

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Expressing the price of an item with accuracy to the hundreth of a key's value serves no purpose to begin with, let alone with accuracy to the thousandth. In the end, we will have to hover over the item to see exactly how many keys and metal pieces do we need to place in the trade window anyway.

In a perfect world there should be no decimals to the key at all and instead of expressing the price in "5.51 keys" the site should display "5 keys 27 ref" or something shorter to fit in the item display window like it does right now.

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