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Please Help Me Find This Item

BuzzKillDude (MvM)

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I am in search of my Australium Sniper rifle that I earned on my 19th MVM tour that I traded away on 11/16/2016 to the following individual: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198340425462

Here is the item history as it shows up in my inventory on 11/16 (For some reason I am not able to find it with a correct visual but am 99% sure this is it): https://backpack.tf/item/5197214672


Please let me know if there's something I'm missing or there another tool I can use/method to find my Aussie.


Thank you in advance.

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On 2/21/2020 at 6:59 AM, BuzzKillDude (MvM) said:

Here is the item history as it shows up in my inventory on 11/16 (For some reason I am not able to find it with a correct visual but am 99% sure this is it): https://backpack.tf/item/5197214672


From what is available, looking at your inventory history the item you linked was very likely a contract, not an Australium.




It shows up as non-tradable and non-craftable, is Unique quality, and has a Timed Drop origin. Unless there was some major glitch / corruption of backpack.tf data then it was never an Australium and was never traded away.

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