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Hey all! I'd like to keep this short as to not waste your time!

It has been apparent to me that https://backpack.tf 's 'tag' feature doesn't work anymore, It's a problem for someone like me, loving to tag my items as "Not For Sale." 

Is anyone else having this issue?


example screenshot: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/792005098817627459/CA0EE29694AB81BF609839FF6128FFD99E9380DC/

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The tags aren't available when viewing the backpack in a fallback state, so unless the backpack loads properly, which rarely happens, the tags aren't gonna be visible. Pain in the arse, as I've had a couple people offer on stuff i've tagged as nfs lately.

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I currently have the same while it's not a fallback state, it just doesn't show the "'Tag" option.
i assume they're busy with the code i dunno.



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