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Free gmod posters.


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Doing free gmod poster because my gmodding poster skills are getting rusty.Want to improve but my brain currently has no ideas for poster.

Tell me about how you want it to look.















will try my best to make it to your liking.

about the unusual effects,i think i cant do it.

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I would like to see the full yeti set for heavy however include burning flames.


For the map IDM but maybe something involving a jungle or trees


Pose the yeti with an animalistic/aggression In mind.


I would've suggested my bonzo set but I don't want it to be too difficult, thanks!


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I would like a Blue spy with a gray Detective Noir, a Dark Dead of Night, and a clean bruiser's bandanna. 

The map can be anything with snow in it.

Pose the spy to be peeking around a corner, looking at a Red medic and Heavy pair.


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I would like seeing Knavesmith being kicked in the balls by my scout with the antarctic eyewear + dead of night + the macho mann


My scout has those cosmetics, and is a red scout, and is seen in my steam profile pic / forum picture


Knavesmiths scout looks like this:


(Modest pile of hat + Merc's Pride Scarf) and blue scout.

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