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Need some help price checking


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So, my friend is trying to sell this item to me, with a base price of like 10-12 keys.  I'm not big into the trading scene, so I dunno how to properly price check it.  Help would be appreciated!  It's a Professional Killstreak Rocket Launcher with the spells Pumpkin Bombs and Exorcism.  The Killstreaker is Singularity and the sheen is Manndarin.

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1 hour ago, Bargingo said:

So, my friend is trying to sell this item to me, with a base price of like 10-12 keys.  I'm not big into the trading scene, so I dunno how to properly price check it.  Help would be appreciated!  It's a Professional Killstreak Rocket Launcher with the spells Pumpkin Bombs and Exorcism.  The Killstreaker is Singularity and the sheen is Manndarin.




Its hard to determine how much the spells add because each person values the item differently depending on the sheen and killstreak effect, but the spells probably add anywhere from 3-4 keys onto the base price, if you need help with trading spelled items or just want to learn more about them feel free to join the discord below, there you will find a community of traders dedicated to trading spelled items and trying to help others. I would personally say the Rocket Launcher is worth around 14-17 keys, parts also affect prices, people like prebuilt items.

https://discord.gg/ak8nJ3 (invite expires after a day)

Hope this helps!

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