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These guys suuuucck. How common are they?


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Unfortunaly, these scammers are the most common...

I had an trade offer from that guy 3 times before putting him into blacklist, and it was that same scattergun.

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2 hours ago, RafasDR said:

That same guy has sent an offer like this to me a few months ago... i'm glad he still didn't trade it

Yep same with me, though he'd be buying more of them to intentionally scam people

1 hour ago, LstratosHF said:

Is he banned already? If not, please report him.

He has something like 60+ negative trusts on his page and yes I'm pretty sure he's banned. All he's doing is looking for listings for low tier unusuals and send offers to the sellers. You don't need to be logged in to achieve that and subsequently it can't really be stopped with a ban.

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It's an extremely common scam that's been a thing for years and in several forms. You've got the festivized being passed off as a festive scam, you've got people putting "Halloween: xyz" with a description tag on items, and then you've got things like people putting the uncraft/craft (whichever is way cheaper) version of an item and claiming it to be the more expensive variant, specifically common with the Lucky No. 42.


If you want a SUPER easy way to tell instantly at a glance if a festive weapon is an actual festive or a festivized, look at the lights. FESTIVE items have red, green, and BLUE lights in its christmas lights, while festivized have red, green, and YELLOW or UNLIT lights.

https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/440/Strange Festive Rocket Launcher - Festive

https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/440/Strange Festivized Rocket Launcher - Festivized

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This maga bastard tried to scam me with a non-craftable lucky no. 42 and said it was the unique one. Luckily I didn't pay too much attention to it

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