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Can you browse items on backpack.tf by the spells they have on them?


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So I have a bunch of items with halloween spells on them (like spectral spectrum paint or footprints) and I dont know how to find other items like that. I want to estimate how much are they actually worth. Does anyone know how to find such items?

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backpack.tf does not support applied values of spelled items, instead spelled items are priced by rarity and desirability, but its easy to get sharked out of your items if you just assume what they are worth or let someone tell you what they are worth.


Most of those spectrum cosmetics can range anywhere from 2-8 keys.


Exorcism adds somewhere between 25 ref-1 key(sometimes more depending on rarity)


Halloween Fire adds around 2-3 Keys(rarity affects prices)


Pumpkin Bombs add around 2 keys.(rarity affects prices)


the max's heads can probably sell for alot more than what you would be offered.


if you need help pricing items there is several discords for spell trading and steam groups.






I would advise making your inventory open to public before joining any server/group.


Hope this helps.

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In addition to what Semper said - as far as general pricing goes, a spell server like the one he mentioned is your best bet, but if you want to search classifieds to see what your item is selling for, this Chrome extension might help. https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/tf2-trading-enhanced/ceplnfffelfmoahckkalagpmipjfcncc?hl=en-US


You can also search Premium to find spells that aren't for sale, but that requires a custom script. 


Also, that Max's collection is insane. Good on you. 

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