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Good times, for certain people


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Remember barbaric times when we had that annoying "trading with scammer alt" rule?


If you were to sell keys then some snooping person could start asking uncomfortable questions, like where them keys are coming from.


We have much more civilized community now.


A young enthusiastic entrepreneur can come and just sell a couple thousand keys, no questions asked. 


Well, if someone dared to ask then I'm sure Mods would protect the seller's privacy and ban the snooper.



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Hiya mate!


This person added me wanting to sell some keys to me, but what I found weird was.... he had no keys in his backpack and only wanted to do crypto?


I said thank you and have a nice day, but did not do anything else, kind of a bad call on my side :P

Anyhow, this person is quite sketchy but we do not have any trace for the keys, so nothing we can really do atm besides calling him out for being sketchy.


Have a good one!

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because that's exactly why valve just updated CSGO's key system

Valve updated CS:GO's key system because of currency conversion. Just watch this video because I am shit at explaining things


It does not make sense, if you sell items via the SCM the money is stuck in steam, you can't commit fraud or money launder and get the money out. They would have to outright ban trading if shit like this was even happening. Anyway, this update seems good for CS:GO with anyone owning keys making around $1 per key. Especially anyone who was a Hydra HODL. Even this might benefit TF2 with CS:GO users using Mann Co keys. If the same happened to TF2 we would just move to mann co tickets, buds, max's, so just liquid items. Ref might even gain value due to this. 

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4 minutes ago, Pigeon said:

Valve updated CS:GO's key system because of currency conversion. Just watch this video because I am shit at explaining things


It does not make sense, if you sell items via the SCM the money is stuck in steam, you can't commit fraud or money launder and get the money out. They would have to outright ban trading if shit like this was even happening. Anyway, if this update seems good for CS:GO with anyone owning keys making around $1 per key. Especially anyone who was a Hydra HODLer. Even this might benefit TF2 with CS:GO users using Mann Co keys. If the same happened to TF2 we would just move to mann co tickets, buds, max's, so just liquid items. Ref might even gain value due to this. 

not sure what you mean by selling things via SCM, as this is about them using keys to cash out using any method *but* SCM using reliable currencies, such as keys, for bad parties such as scammers & phishers

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Hi all former TF2 Trader and Current CSGO trader here valve did this because world wide scammers were using fraudulent credit cards buying liquid items (keys) doing 2 things either manipulating currency differences and/or selling the items via 3rd party sites (like bitskins) in an effort to combat this valve made all new keys purchased via the in game store untraceable and unmarketable protecting CSGO from future litigation. Now valve stated that the majority of keys being sold were a result of this I find this hard to believe personally but they can have more information than I do.

Currently cause our key prices are so unstable (im making bank off of this instability kek) cs keys are a bit weird now and people aren't trading for them currently rather opting to use Arcanas from DOTA 2, which before this incident cost 11.5 cs keys and have even more so been using them cause of valves decision. TF2 keys have been a discussion for possible use in trading however they wont be super viable until they are more expensive and stablize at 2.5 usd on steam market

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