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Suggestion - Strange Unusual Pricing


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Good day Backpack.tf team,


I have a suggestion I would like to offer, namely for those who are lucky enough to a un-box strange unusual, or to those in the high tier trading market. Could we please have a separate price listing for Strange Unusuals?

Its rather frustrating trying to find a negotiable price when everyone bases your S.Unusual as the same price as a regular Unusual. Granted I dont have a lot of knowledge nor experience on this topic, it would allow more opportunities for others.

I hope you take the time to consider this suggestion.

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This is already a thing. They usually take a lot longer to be priced, just because there are less sales to go off of most of the time, since strange unusuals are rarer and usually aren't much more desirable than their normal counterparts.

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Strange unusuals are typically rarer and thus have much less sales than the non-strange variants. 

They're priced when they have sales specifically for the strange variant, as seen in suggestions like these https://backpack.tf/suggestion/5db118c96780721b5a581191


If you're talking about your strange protector space mann, you've owned it for well over 18 months and I myself wouldn't be able to check for more sales, although it's doubtful that there are any.

When one sells, the strange version can be priced like the normal. 


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