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Mystical Medley Nasty Norsemann

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if i was you i'd dump it on that buyer asap

doubt it'd ever go for more tbh, and that buyer seems like more of a newby collector only lookin for 2 effects. if you asked without putting that there was a buyer for 80 i woulda said 80. i mean you can list it for 200 like other traders who have bought rarer 1 of 1's or 1 of 3's for like 75 and had them unsold at the 200 and up listings for months and months.... but ya. not a real desired hat for some reason. i mean i like it, but generally they don't pull bigger numbers. i mean there are some other new effects unsold since unboxed, on steam market and classies, for like 125 (not the low tier vortex either). you could ask 100-125 but who knows if it'd sell. depends how much u have invested in the hat, but i'd dump for 80 and move on :)


miasma is king anyways :P cuz who doesn't like green black hole without the purple trash in the effect, and actually having it green... but i digress b4 i get off topic

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The only unusual effects you should be selling ASAP are the vortex hats (not Abyssal, Menacing, Viscious) and the 5d effect; vortex being they are the worst effects of this year - not visible and bad colors, and 5d because it's the most easiest effect to get right now and overhyped.

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