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Price check - Accursed Burstchester


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Hello everybody,


I unboxed an Unusualfier for the Burstchester taunt and used it. As result, I got an Accursed Burstchester. Do you have any price suggestions for this thing (it looks really great in - game imo, like arcana for hats)? For how much could I list it at SCM (there is currently no other listing for this effect)? And should I sell it asap or should I keep it for a while?


Thanks in advance for any suggestion and your help!


Best regards



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4 hours ago, Keks said:

eh, maybe like $40-60ish

Theres TEN(10) unused unusualifers on the market for 16 to 17£(squid) so one could assume at least 10 keys to start. Since the ones on sale for 16 to 17 squid could yield the same effect add that on to the top of the burstchester price


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