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What's the main thing that keeps you playing tf2 (minus trading)


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competitive. no, not in-game comp, but rgl. playing with a team of friends has really refreshed the game tbh, plus i've gotten to meet a bunch of chill new people

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I played this game most of my early teenage years, it was my first real taste of online multiplayer. So there's that, besides that there's just the fun of jumping on random servers and talking to people

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mann versus machine is fun


i have a thing for mindless grinding, which is what mvm is to me, since if you memorize the waves and play decent, it's easy


i also enjoy making suggestions

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i love the mechanics, love the source fps feel, i like the fast combat like quake/ut, i play csgo and PUBG, but TF2 it's on my heart, love this warm community, trading its cool too, but all i can say it's i love the game and its people. even outside the game, memes/content its glorious.

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Core mechanics are simple at a first glance, but reward experience. Simple yet few other games have that same gratification. Also the different sub communities from comp, jump, to trading. 

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4 hours ago, leftyy said:

I played this game most of my early teenage years, it was my first real taste of online multiplayer. So there's that, besides that there's just the fun of jumping on random servers and talking to people

Same with me, me and my brother have been playing since we were 7 and 9. So many memories.


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I like the way multiplayer feels, comparative to other games, heavy has more health but moves slow, scout is fast with less health, the classes are "balanced" in a way. Along with strange weapons; I like seeing how many kills each of my weapons has gotten over time. The core gameplay along with all the friends I have made is what keeps me here.

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Three things as of late:

  1. The Jungle Inferno contracts - I'd been asking in a lot of places whether it'd have been worth it to buy the Contracts Pass, and I ended up buying it. The contracts actually weren't that bad, even if some of them are a bit grindy and over-the-top (get 2 dominations as Pyro and as Medic??? get 20 defenses on this one map??? get 5 kills in a single life while Mmmph'd, 10 times???) or just unreasonable (play on Turbine??? how much fucking time do you think I fucking have to kill?!). They did kinda burn me out at times though. You know how it is - your team is winning, you're tryharding your fucking ass off despite your constant lag spikes from your shitty wireless repeater, you end up in the top 3, but guess what? - none of that fucking matters because you didn't get a single fucking CP! I had to put that on hold on account of number 2 finally being a thing:
  2. The Madness vs Machines campaign. Seriously, check it out (here), it's great. I played this one for a while before having to put it as well on hold in favor of number 3:
  3. The Scream Fortress XI contracts. Because who doesn't want more free untradable and unmarketable Halloween cosmetics? This one's also basically the reason I'm hesitant to go on hiatus from TF2 so fast despite being back in school now.
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1) MvM 1 mil robot achievement, brain says I need it so I do it. (No im not going to go on a farming server, slackers).

2) Dustbowl and turbine

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Right now? Contracts

Normally? Nostalgia and the fact the game is pretty balanced and fair to play, and you can hop in and play for 10 mins or for 10 hours.


Also the competitive scene is really fun (like ugc etc)

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