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Yo, Reported someone for being misleading and shifty, and yet they insist that this is okay and nothing is bad


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So today I got a message from a guy named The BunnyHopper. He has no reports and seems pretty trustworthy, and yet the first trade he sends me He says

"are u willing to trade crates?
i want to do an bix unboxing tomorrow

I check the offer, and in the middle of the crates is my 80-110 key unusual, which he had not mentioned in the conversation prior, so I reported him for being misleading and shifty, and here is the rest of the conversation, as well as a link to the trade

The Bunnyhopper:
    yo,hey there

    i here

    are you still there?

The Bunnyhopper:
    ok,now i m here

    so am i


The Bunnyhopper:
    The Bunnyhopper sent you a new trade offerView trade offer
    are u willing to trade crates?
    i want to do an bix unboxing tomorrow

    one sec
    gotta play a diff game

The Bunnyhopper:
    btw,you have a phone?
    i mean mobile autentificator

    im back

The Bunnyhopper:
    i m here too
    what game u played?

    why did you start now?

The Bunnyhopper:

The Bunnyhopper:
    u thre?>
    why you reported me

    why feign incomprehension

The Bunnyhopper:
    i;ve  just sended you a trade offer
    with my unusual for your unusual and crates
    what's wrong with that

    your unusual, is worth almost nothing, and you diliberatly misled me to think i was only trading crates
    its a very real report, with justifiable reasons

profile of the attempted scammer


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If meaning of this post isnt clear, I have it here to justify the report I put on The BunnyHoppers profile, or at least told why it is a insufficient report.

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its called hidden quick-switch scam trade offer.its indeed reportable if the accused said he wanted to trade his unusual for your crates ONLY and never mentioned about putting your unusual on your side.glad you didnt fall for it.just go to their profile on bp.tf and click the red flag beside their picture.

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1 hour ago, womentigerthai said:

Not a bad trade actually. I would pull the trigger in a heart beat.

what level of sarcasm is this?

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heres link to photos of my chat log, as a source and at the end of the final is another conversation with another scammer, but who is unimportant


Also the trade was sent right after I said to him "so am i"



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  • 3 weeks later...

dont post evidence here.make a report on him and post the evidence there as this is called witch-hunting which is not allowed.



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Hey, the steamID64 of the guy you are convicting is 76561198007551875

Why is this important?

Well people can change their userID to anything they like.

He can change it to
Whenever he wants.

To use a steamid64 to find someone's profile. Use:

To get someone's steamid64, go to their userid url, for example:

Then add ?xml=1 to the end of his url, example:
You will find the steamid64 there.

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