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So about the rules...

1HP Hope Springs Eternal

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What are your thoughts on adding something like maybe a 1-2 question multiple-choice quiz that comes up after new users accept the rules for the site.  Nothing too difficult, but enough to prevent everyone from just mindlessly clicking you have read the rules.  It is very apparent that a massive amount of new users never actually look at the rules, so maybe a basic quiz is just what it would take to make sure people have at least some idea of the rules of the site prior to voting/suggesting.


i think we should stick to banning idiots that can't read without having a quiz


i think we should stick to banning idiots that can't read without having a quiz

only after a few suggestions without following any rules

I personally have never read the rules, and I turned out pretty terrible, but someone else might not

best way to learn is by experience, a video tutorial would probably be better than a list of rules and a quiz


The rules are basically common sense. It narrows down to: If you don't know how to make a suggestion don't make one or learn how to make one and don't shitpost/respect others.


The rules are basically common sense. It narrows down to: If you don't know how to make a suggestion don't make one or learn how to make one and don't shitpost/respect others.


Please, common sense is as rare as a shiny pokemon.


Please, common sense is as rare as a shiny pokemon.

Shit can't argue with that.


See, I aint here to suggest. I just look at whats rising and use it to guage whether to invest or not. Forums is where i go for most of mah stuff lately.


See, I aint here to suggest. I just look at whats rising and use it to guage whether to invest or not. Forums is where i go for most of mah stuff lately.

It only brings up the rules for new users right? So if someone like yourself was only browsing stuff and did not have any reason to log in, they would never be bothered.


Please, common sense is as rare as a shiny pokemon.

And no Shiny Charm nor Pokéradar will increase your chances here...


Maybe do something like what scrap.tf did. Make a phony "I Accept" button at the bottom and make the real "I Accept" button in the middle of the rules.


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