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Premium Deals Filters


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So i just bought premium, and when I go to the deals section it's just a bunch of items from 24/7 bots/ premium members selling there items for non discounted prices,  how do i filter it to show me good deals.

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you can filter sorting it by discount from high - low.
Also select unusual on "quality" and Cosmetic on "general" 

Or leave it at unusual only if you wanna see pages and pages full of crappy taunts

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If you want to filter stuff out besides just setting it to only find Unusual hats and specifying class/effects, you'd have to code a web scraper to go through every page for you and look for specific kinds of items that you think would actually be quicksells, but you'd still be spammed with garbage "deals" just because backpack.tf prices can't be 100% accurate on everything. You'll also miss plenty of potentially good deals if the item is underpriced on the backpack.tf sticker.


You won't ever create a filter that will emulate a person's actual thought process on what is a must-take deal, since it's extremely hard to precisely quantify every little thing people consider (like how "cancer" a hat is based on robo-ness or looks, "sellability", existence of collectors, so on)


Personally, I find the Deals section to have no real use except for finding overpriced unique/haunted items to snipe Scrap.tf auctions with.

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