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Any game of thrones fan here? Season 4 comes out in april.



I can't wait that long.



Those of us who read the books had to wait 6 years for Dance with Dragons, you can wait 2 months for season 4.


I just started to read the first book last weekend. So far: sex, violence, sex, violence, sex, JON SNOW. Thats about it .




Edit: I used mah paint skillz. Iz better nao.


Extremely Watched Shows:
Breaking Bed

Game O' Thrones

Da' Walkin' Dead


I'm looking forward to S4, but I think I'm going to download them so I can skip all of Dany's scenes. She's just a Mighty Whitey who gets saved by horny guys and Deus Ex Machinas


I only finished season 1 last week. I havent started season 2 yet




I'm looking forward to S4, but I think I'm going to download them so I can skip all of Dany's scenes. She's just a Mighty Whitey who gets saved by horny guys and Deus Ex Machinas

But Dany is so hot!


Is it true that every time a guy'd dick is shown it's during a gay scene?


Is it true that every time a guy'd dick is shown it's during a gay scene?

I haven't seen a dick yet...there was one gay scene but they had pants on...


I haven't seen a dick yet...there was one gay scene but they had pants on...

halfway at least. One had pants on, the other was being sucked off. 


But Dany is so hot!

Yes, clearly being hot is a sufficiently desirable character trait that it can overcome shallow characterization, inept storyline pacing, and poor plot resolution /sarcasm.


And no one can be hot with a dye job that bad.


halfway at least. One had pants on, the other was being sucked off. 


I guess I'll never watch that show then.


Yes, clearly being hot is a sufficiently desirable character trait that it can overcome shallow characterization, inept storyline pacing, and poor plot resolution /sarcasm.


And no one can be hot with a dye job that bad.


(I'm a huge supernatural fan btw)

(I like the sarcasm...and feel she has a good level of personality/independance but yeah, das me 2 cents, didn't read the books (well kinda did, got to the part where the midget was on trial on that sky place and his champion won cause the queen, the stark lady's sister, was dumb enough to force her champion to fight with her husband's sword in heavy armor but yeah))


Read the books, hope G.R.R.M doesn't die before he finishes them.


I guess I'll never watch that show then.


There is only like one gay scene in entire three seasons. And you have always the option to fast forward it. If you haven't watched the show, you should. GoT has everything: blood, wars, scheming for power, boobs, dwarfs, bastards, dragons, ice zombies and incest. Whats not to like? Walking dead is shit if you compere it to GoT.


I hope they are fast with subtitles. >_>


Yes, clearly being hot is a sufficiently desirable character trait that it can overcome shallow characterization, inept storyline pacing, and poor plot resolution /sarcasm.


And no one can be hot with a dye job that bad.

She is good in the books though. But I bet you aren't allowed to portray her as a 14 year young girl in sex scenes (or like 12 in s1)


I hope they are fast with subtitles. >_>

Are you seriously incapable of understanding the English????

Well at least you don't listen to awful German spoken Top Gear or GoT. I hate it when stuff gets translated, because it's always fake. Luckily, Dutch tv is really barely ever dubbed (only children tv)


Are you seriously incapable of understanding the English????

Well at least you don't listen to awful German spoken Top Gear or GoT. I hate it when stuff gets translated, because it's always fake. Luckily, Dutch tv is really barely ever dubbed (only children tv)

I rather prefer to complety understand what's going on so I prefer subtitles, especially if there are some weird words I never heard before which happens with fantasy stuff, but I watch it in English (and I like that).


Read the books, hope G.R.R.M doesn't die before he finishes them.

I'm in the minority, but I don't think Georgie is a very good writer. His prose manages to be very meandering (going on extended tangents) and also very dull (lots of simple sentence construction and minimal variation for long stretches) at the same time. Plus, the show has much better pacing; reducing the number of characters and concurrent plotlines makes the action much more fluid and easier to follow, and while some of the world-building gets brushed aside, that's a much more desirable approach than fatiguing the audience.


I'm in the minority, but I don't think Georgie is a very good writer. His prose manages to be very meandering (going on extended tangents) and also very dull (lots of simple sentence construction and minimal variation for long stretches) at the same time. Plus, the show has much better pacing; reducing the number of characters and concurrent plotlines makes the action much more fluid and easier to follow, and while some of the world-building gets brushed aside, that's a much more desirable approach than fatiguing the audience.

This is why they are different. I'm weird enough to enjoy long, well-built worlds and long books. For people who don't like it, there's the shows or other books/shows


This is why they are different. I'm weird enough to enjoy long, well-built worlds and long books. For people who don't like it, there's the shows or other books/shows

I liked both xD Mainly stopped reading because it came due at the library, and I'm too lazy to go back and too cheap to buy it. So I just watch it on cokeandpopcorn.ch


I'm in the minority, but I don't think Georgie is a very good writer. His prose manages to be very meandering (going on extended tangents) and also very dull (lots of simple sentence construction and minimal variation for long stretches) at the same time. Plus, the show has much better pacing; reducing the number of characters and concurrent plotlines makes the action much more fluid and easier to follow, and while some of the world-building gets brushed aside, that's a much more desirable approach than fatiguing the audience.


I dont know why, but for me his writing style is completely addicting. I guess its the way he structures the chapters, from each characters point of view.  


I liked both xD Mainly stopped reading because it came due at the library, and I'm too lazy to go back and too cheap to buy it. So I just watch it on cokeandpopcorn.ch

I too quit reading because unavailable at library and too cheap to buy and I too use that site... Are you me?


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