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I started playing the 2 cities tour when it first came out, and I loved the rewards. The ability to add a sheen to your weapon and a glow to your eyes seemed amazing. Unfortunately, the market is really bad right now for them, partially because they are new, and partially because they are hard to classify. Backpack.tf doesn't have a standard method of searching for kits and pricing them yet, so I thought I'd give my minimal expertise in the subject to give people a preliminary guide.

  • SEARCHING FOR KITS IN CLASSIFIEDS: Unfortunately, no method exists yet for using the top search bar to find killstreak kits. Instead, I found the best way of searching for kits is filtering the classifieds. Search for the item "Kit", and input the weapon you are searching for in the crafting target section. All qualities of kits appear. There is no way to filter for only professional kits. For example, a search for minigun kits results in this: http://backpack.tf/classifieds/search/id/52d83ca64dd7b825088b4568



  • COMPARING SPECIALIZED KIT CRAFTING COSTS: A specialized fabricator requires 1 unique killstreak item, 5 reinforced parts, and 24 battleworn parts. Using current prices of 4 ref for a unique kit,  and .22 ref for reinforced and battleworn parts, the cost of crafting is (4*1)+(.22*5)+(.22*24) = 4+1.11+5.33 = 10.44 ref, or slightly less than 1.5 keys. This assumes that the kit was for a stock weapon, which doesn't consume a weapon, otherwise it would cost 10.5 keys exactly. As you can see, 1.5 keys is the standard cost of crafting a kit from a fabricator. Therefore, using the previous examples, it would be cheapest to buy a 2-key minigun fabricator and craft that for a total cost of 3.5 keys. This link shows that you can get it for even cheaper, by buying the vaccinator kit: http://backpack.tf/classifieds/search/id/52c8967d4cd7b8b8128b4567


  • COMPARING PROFESSIONAL KIT CRAFTING COSTS: A professional kit requires 2 unique specialized killstreak items, 3 pristine robot parts, 6 reinforced parts, and 16 battleworn parts. The cost of crafting is (2*10.5)+(3*1.33)+(6*.22)+(16*.22) = 21+4+1.33+3.55 =29.88, or slightly more than 4 keys. Again, using specialized killstreak fabricators for stock melee weapons is usually cheapest, like the bottle or shovel. The cheapest specialized kit in the classifieds is 1.6 keys, so it will be cheaper to self-craft. http://backpack.tf/classifieds/search/id/52c8967d4cd7b8b8128b4567/6


  • TOTAL COST OF A PROFESSIONAL KIT: 1 professional killstreak kit fabricator, 2 specialized killstreak fabricators, 2 killstreak kits, 4 unique weapons to use with the killstreak kits(can be negated if stock is used), 3 pristine parts, 17 reinforced parts, and 64 battleworn parts.

Hope my guide was useful for your buying and selling of kits. If you feel like something is incorrect or missing, comment below and I'll try to change it.


Maybe its 'incorrect' but im quite sure bp.tf says it costs ~6.33ref to craft a spec kit.


Maybe its 'incorrect' but im quite sure bp.tf says it costs ~6.33ref to craft a spec kit.

That is because the price calculator does not price the unique killstreak weapon, which costs 4 ref. The final answer is 10.33, just a scrap off from my calculations.


That is because the price calculator does not price the unique killstreak weapon, which costs 4 ref. The final answer is 10.33, just a scrap off from my calculations.


lol no, I can pick up kits for 2-3 refined easy.


lol no, I can pick up kits for 2-3 refined easy.

As I said, the price depends on what you can find. The cheapest non-promo weapon(maul, apoco-fists excluded) listed in the classifieds is 4 ref. I went by that. I have also picked up kits for cheaper.

The prices that I listed for the parts are non-absolute and just reflect the current listed prices. The rest of the guide is accurate, as far as I can tell.


4 ref is definitely the most common selling price for a kit, but it is possible to find them below 4 ref if you are willing to look.


4 ref is definitely the most common selling price for a kit, but it is possible to find them below 4 ref if you are willing to look.

Exactly. I am just using the most common prices of things to give a rough estimate of the value of a kit, and whether you should pay for the kit or buy the fabricator.


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