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Help me calculate the price of my backpack


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Hey all, I haven't been playing TF2 as much as I did anymore and I recently got hit up with a cashout offer for everything in my inventory minus my 42 keys. The guy is offering 110 keys. I've never had experience with backpack buyers and cashing out so I was wondering if this was a good idea to take this offer. I know I really don't play TF2 much anymore, but I am not really in a rush to sell. Is this a good deal or not? Thanks in advance.

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well according to my calculations by using the bp.tf summary maths,i think you might lose about 2$ or gain 2$more but doesnt seem to matter plus some items got killstreaks and parts so it doesnt seem a bad offer tho you should be wary if the person is offering you cash,you need to be very careful.


you dont have any trusts so try to use marketplace.tf or use a trusted middleman.i can do it if you want to.


give us the link to the person who gave this offer to you

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he doesnt appear to own 110 pure keys but has got some so he seems fine.quite an amount of trusts including the latest from toughsox(reputable trade)

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honeslty since the items are super easy to sell id buy it for 150 keys, otherwise if you got the time you can individually sell them to bots

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On 4/20/2019 at 4:30 PM, Beaser said:

honeslty since the items are super easy to sell id buy it for 150 keys, otherwise if you got the time you can individually sell them to bots

So I just got an offer for 150 lmao, is it worth it to take the offer or is it more worth to sell it individually?

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17 minutes ago, baloney said:

So I just got an offer for 150 lmao, is it worth it to take the offer or is it more worth to sell it individually?


You'll always get the best value if you sell everything individually, but the tradeoff is the time and effort involved. It's your choice where on the scale you want to be.


So, the question is, Do you want to get the most possible money sometime in the future, or do you want to settle for a lesser amount but get it now?

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