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Custom Vaccinator Skin Help?


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Now, i'm pretty new to modding, i just installed my first hud a few days ago and generally don't know what the hell i'm doing. I want to make a custom skin for the vaccinator, nothing major, just changing the little screen on the left.This is the first time I've tried do make something, and the YouTube tutorials all make sense and stuff, but I cannot find the files for the vaccinator using GCFScape. I've tried google searches but I've gotta be one of 12 people who take the vaccinator seriously cause i cannot find anything. The TF2 wiki offers this page here, but I can't find a "medigun_defense". This is also my first post on the forums, so idk if this is the place to ask. Hopefully this won't go unnoticed... Can anybody help me out here?

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Isnt downloading skins for weapons violating of rules? Like you can get australium weapons for free by downloading a skinĀ šŸ¤”

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No? What are you talking about? You can download an australium skin, sure, but only you see it as an australium and it doesn't act like one. If you could get australiums for free by any means they'd be worth jackshit. Have you ever even used gamebanana? if its against the rules then report me, because nothing will come of it.

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12 hours ago, CrazY Mike said:

Isnt downloading skins for weapons violating of rules? Like you can get australium weapons for free by downloading a skinĀ šŸ¤”

No, because it only works on community servers and it applies to everyone (from your perspective) using that exact weapon. Custom skinsĀ don't show up in Valve servers.

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