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Finding Spell Listings


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I know it's been asked a million times before, and I know it's been denied a million times before, but can't we have at least something that lets us at least tag a classified listing as a spelled item, what spell it is, and add it to the filter/search option on the classifieds page? It would make it a lot easier to find spells that you want on the item you want and general quality of life improvement from having to manually click through pages of classifieds to find the exact spell you want on your item (especially on really popular items like the Bruiser's Bandanna). Not to mention even if you have bp.tf Premium, it still doesn't let you filter what spells you want, so you can't even track down someone who owns it if there are no listings for it.

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1 hour ago, Idiot said:

I know it's been asked a million times before, and I know it's been denied a million times before, but can't we have at least something that lets us at least tag a classified listing as a spelled item, what spell it is, and add it to the filter/search option on the classifieds page? It would make it a lot easier to find spells that you want on the item you want and general quality of life improvement from having to manually click through pages of classifieds to find the exact spell you want on your item (especially on really popular items like the Bruiser's Bandanna). Not to mention even if you have bp.tf Premium, it still doesn't let you filter what spells you want, so you can't even track down someone who owns it if there are no listings for it.


There's a plugin for that https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/tf2-trading-enhanced/ceplnfffelfmoahckkalagpmipjfcncc

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Ah, ty, didn't know that existed, but you still can't use bp.tf premium to find people owning a spell that's not listed. On the same topic of classifieds, it would also be nice to be able to look for a specific applied strange part on a specific weapon, again so that you don't have to scroll through pages of classifieds to find it (but if there's a plugin for this that would be helpful).

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